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Benjamin Franklin once said, “A drop of ink can make a million think.” The Coudert Institute was established to connect leading thinkers of our time with high-achieving members.


In our interconnected world, the Institute hosts dynamic discussion groups that provide opportunities to develop alternative strategies for addressing contemporary issues facing our communities and nations. Members of the Coudert Institute can influence public and private decision-makers through their networking capabilities.


We encourage Institute members to explore new ideas and consider different perspectives on issues that affect everyone. We firmly believe in the power of thought and discussion to make a positive contribution to society.


The Coudert Institute's ultimate goal is not to reach a consensus or formalize a single point of view. Instead, it encourages participants to explore innovative ideas that they can incorporate into their personal lives and public service.




Membership in the Coudert Institute is, and will always remain, open to anyone who wishes to join.

Members enjoy direct access to our speakers through private (member only) events.

To learn more about Coudert Institute membership, please telephone us at 561-659-6161.


1217 South Flagler Drive
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone: 561-659-6161
Fax: 561-659-6419

Please send all correspondence and donations to:
163 Seminole Avenue

Palm Beach, FL 33480

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